Now I am very new to Yoga and don't really know much about it. Not the names of the poses or the reasons we do them.
This started because I own an aging body that I have been rebuilding. In that rebuilding came a lot of stiffness and pain. The answer to this as we all know is to stretch well after a workout session but my brain is on buzz and i don't want to do it. I obviously define myself as someone who does not need to stretch. ( my body does not agree with my brain on this).
The point being, I was unaware that there was a Zone or the Yogic sleep( Yoga Nidra) .
I now find myself there after every practice. Knowing that I am going to relax into that state I find now that I settle more and am able to block out the noise of others leaving the room ( people really have no sense of quietly ). Once the room is still I find myself sinking in. Its very interesting and quite cool.In Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state,go through the Dreaming state,and into the Deep Sleep state, yet remain fully awake.
The other thing I am finding is that I am amazed at my increasing flexibility. I really did expect it to take longer to see changes.
Oh and my arm is much better. Today I used it all the way through class even doing downward dog and all the flow except one. It hurts to bend it flat but its Ok. I said 30 days to heal and I am now very glad I took the time.
Being forced to slow down has allowed me to align my body so I will now get true benefit from my weight training.
Its all good. Who knew. Yoga!
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