What could Happen?

This was the question. I asked it of myself in rebuff to the internal negativity I was feeling when I considered committing myself to a year of Yoga.
So what can happen? Follow me as I compel myself to do or attend yoga daily for 365 days in a row. I suspect the journey shall be interesting.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Day 7 inquired Clancy tonight? I had to pause and then replied yes but it was starting to not matter.
Lesson for the Day: DO not listen t the weather forecast.
Something about -33 and -40 with the wind chill. Yuck  I thought going will be OK but I will be soaking wet coming home and I will freeze like an icicle.!!
Yes thats the sound of an excuse.
The fact is that it is day 7 and even gentle Yoga gives this body some pain. New movement, old joints and muscles attempting to realign. Add the fact that my arm truly is sore and that I started physio on my back and ankle and I am sore. So that little "excuse" part of the brain begins to butt into my thinking.
I gave it about 10 seconds of air time and then shut it down.
So yes I hurt but I remind myself of the reason behind this quest.
To age gracefully and live a full life..
 To have full mobility and pain free use of my body.
To keep the symptoms of the Bipolar at bay to the best of my ability.

The only other reminder I felt I needed tonight was, that it is in fact a silent room and whimpering during pigeon is not allowed.

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